Fast forward
3/09/2012So, personal update! It turns out that I'm going to be doing a lot of traveling in 2012. I had planned a ton of other things when it comes to business but every time I sit down, I get a fantastic email or opportunity which puts everything on hold for a little longer. I finally decided after a mini-freakout that I need to stop fighting with myself! I have to let life happen and allow things occur at their natural pace. I have so much inspiration tucked away but designing and manufacturing is going to have to wait. The CMTs will always be there but being able to travel might not.
I'm going to Joburg later this month for a show at one of my favorite hotels, The Crowne Plaza, then I'll be going on a Mediterranean cruise in June which I'm really looking forward to. Lastly, there's been talk of Las Vegas and San Francisco near the end of the year. I'm going to just try and absorb every minute that I can when I'm traveling and work on everything else whenever I get a chance.
When I was younger, I dreamed of a career that had unpredictable working hours because I felt I worked better under pressure when things presented themselves. The reality is fantastic but difficult to get my head around completely. When you get something you've always wanted, it's almost too good to be true and it's hard to digest. I went from studying straight into a life I didn't even allow myself to fully dream off. As I grow up I find that when something happens organically, there's nothing better. But it's quick, blink and you'll miss it! I try to take the time to appreciate all the lovely things I've fallen into and throw myself into fully living in the now. I also feel extremely lucky to have so many amazing people in my life which unfortunately turns into not being able to see them all of the time! I believe in making time but I have to admit that whenever I have a minute I'm usually trying to just relax on my own with a book or series marathon. So if I have not seen you lovely friends, this is my public apology. I'm going to make an effort to be sure I get to enjoy your fabulous company. Some things, can certainly wait ;)
Speak soon fashion girls and guys.