Wishlist: Spiked - Safashiongirl

Wishlist: Spiked


Jeffrey Campbell shoes, accessories found on Asos.com

Oh the perils of online window shopping! I've always had a thing for spikes. When I first moved to Cape Town at about 9 years old, I remember walking into the late 90s UV heaven of Space Station, staring into the black light glass display and asking my mom to buy me a spiked dog collar and neon red coil ring. The colour chipped off the ring and the dog collar is lost in one of my drawers but my obsession prevailed throughout the years of angsty kids deeming them too tacky, cliché or painful during hugs. Luckily, trends grow up with us and there's always a new way to work an old idea back into our wardrobes. 

Love or hate spikes? What is something you've adored since childhood?

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