Glitter on the gravel
Patricia Field dress, Shoe Connection heels, Vamp Clothing necklaces and gold armor ring, Sass Diva cross, wing and stack rings, Claires bracelets
I was wearing leggings with this but it was too hot so I took them off and left 'em in the car. Outfits that just plan themselves...I'm at fashion's mercy, what's new? Wore this to the Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer concert. I love one hit wonders, my Ipod is just full of them. People see them as punchlines but really they gave you a moment, a song in your life and they live in that song's shadow while the world forgets them. The best quote from Lady Gaga is when she said “A year from now, I could go away, and people might say, ‘Gosh, what ever happened to that girl who never wore pants?’ But how wonderfully memorable 30 years from now, when they say, ‘Do you remember Gaga and her bubbles?’ Because, for a minute, everybody in that room will forget every sad, painful thing in their lives, and they’ll just live in my bubble world.”
It must be a very difficult thing to do, permanently framed in a pair of parachute pants or in a cheesy music video. Forever recognised as that snapshot of a person, unchanging, donning a jester's hat. But it's really just a person just like you and I that has been cartoonized and put in a jack-in-the-box. The concept of one hit wonders reminds me; no one thing can define something as complex as a person. People are always changing with little tweaks that can make a big difference. Be whoever you want to become. No one can put a label on evolution because it's never stagnant for very long or as a wiser man once said, "Can't touch this".
Have a lovely week!