February snapshots
2/20/2014I thought I'd share some images from this month which featured an insane sunset, grabbing a bite to eat from a food truck and checking out the Björn Borg underwear that's just hit our shores. I've also included an old photo that fell by the wayside during the chaos of summer because I just LOVE those clear boots on Zakirah and had to share 'em. So this month I've been writing like a madwoman, going to events, hanging out with friends and taking some time to actively relax. The days have been long and scorching in this Cape Town heatwave and while the heat is a great excuse to browse cute summer clothes online, (obsessed with this half-denim, half-chiffon blouse from Simons) I've found myself struggling to just take a minute to switch off and really recharge. Do you ever find yourself catching up with friends and while you begin to run through what you've been up to, you also draw a bit of a blank?
Somehow, the year still passes quickly and while you're busy working, its seems like you forget to live a little. Life can sometimes feel like a constant to-do list, always thinking about the next task, not remembering the beautiful little moments that colour our days. I've heard about the #100HappyDays project and I've taken similar inspiration from my cousin Jaime, who shares a photo each day on her Pinterest, and decided to document every day with a photo. I'm not the best at this (I've found myself about a month behind sorting through the images on my phone) but when I get back on track, it really puts things in perspective. I no longer struggle to piece together my months when I can look back and see exactly what I was up to. It makes me feel happy and a little more 'together' because I don't lose track of where the month goes and I can see that, wow, we actually do fit a lot of living into a small amount of time even though we don't always take stock of it.
Do you document your days with snaps? My cousin wants to put together little books of her yearly photos and I think it's a great idea.