Magnum Pink & Black Event - Safashiongirl

Magnum Pink & Black Event


Magnum recently launched two new flavours and threw a lavish event at Shimmy Beach Club complete with manicures, cocktails, a cook off, an infinite supply of ice cream and my perennial favorite feature at these fancy things, an instant photobooth. We all had to wear pink or black so it's a pity that I only dyed my hair fuschia again this week...ah, fashion girl problems. I don't know about you but as far as I'm concerned, there are never enough ice cream flavours so Magnum Pink (Pomegranate) and Black (Espresso) are welcome additions to the world of frozen lactose goodness. The way I see it, a coffee flavoured ice cream is the fastest way to get over a break up, a couple of those and you'll be bouncing off the walls instead of crying in your pajamas.

There was a cook off held between culinary schools which were each joined by a celebrity and this saw radio personality Gareth Cliff trying to get the ice cream into a mixing bowl by banging it on the side but pretty soon he gave up and just ate it. Sounds like every day in my kitchen. I always say, why add chocolate chips to my cupcake batter when I can just eat them? In fact, why even bake the cupcakes when I can just eat the batter? Exactly. I'm delighted to find out that Kamini won Masterchef as I've been living under a rock. I remember chatting with her a few months ago and she told me that they had to keep the results a secret so if you're looking for a secret keeper, look no further as those are some skills. All the celebrities in attendance made me feel like I was in a reality show of some sort where I might have to compete with former Miss South Africas to eat as much ice cream as possible. Listen Cindy Nel, we all know who's going to win this one.

But seriously it was a fantastic event where we got to preview how South Africa's first twitter auction will work. The actual auction will take place on the 23rd of November so follow Magnum on Twitter or Facebook for more info on how to take part. Thanks to PR Company Marcus Brewster for an awesome event and cute box of goodies. I'll be right back, all this talk about Magnums is about to send me to the fridge.

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