Sheri Lee Collection Runway Video - Safashiongirl

Sheri Lee Collection Runway Video


Until I get press photos and the professional DVD, I thought I would share a recording taken of my collection at the FEDISA Graduate Collection Show 2010. It's just magical to see clothes I made walking the runway on amazing models who can really work it! I was backstage quickly arranging my models and before I knew it, the music started and they were walking onto the runway. It was surreal, I had models behind me encouraging me to watch the monitor backstage, it was nerve-wracking and exciting to see it from there, I felt like a true designer. I look at this video now and I can't even remember all the nights sewing, the patterns being cut or the interfacing that I know went into it. The final song I used was Paradise Circus (Zeds Dead Remix) by Massive Attack.

What's one moment in your life that you'll never forget?

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