Excited to organise


I'm going to start my dress for Sanlam next week, so far, I've been busy every day. Tomorrow I'm going on a road trip and on Thursday I'll be picking up my moderated work so I can start using my pattern for PJ pants. Being on holiday feels so healthy, passion flows easily with more free time. Just a couple of days away from college has given me a burst of energy, the 9-2 days disciplined me to want to be productive every day. I used to have such trouble seperating work from everything else but it's easy now, I can relax and get out of work mode. I'm so excited to organise my design studio, I just want to get container upon container and file every little thing away.
Having time to pamper and exfoliate is priceless. I have time for make up and fashion every day, I always dress better in the holidays and this I need to rectify!

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