Cupcakes and Sweethearts


I have been having an amazing Winter break. I'm finally getting some time to myself. I've been looking at fabrics, buttons, etc on Ebay, such treasures! I bought these buttons the other day, I love them, I adore details. No idea what to do with them yet, haha, maybe I'll put them all down a soda pop waitress dress.
I found the most amazing fabrics to use for pajama pants. Just fun things; teenage mutant ninja turtles, frogs on skateboards, retro telephones and cupcakes. You will find me wearing ducks and bubble pj prints, there's such freedom in pajamas.
 A while back I had some time on my hands so I made this pattern for my very own sweetheart dress. I want to make a black one and white one with contrasting decorative buttons going down the middle and supportive boning. I must find the pattern, hopefully I didn't throw it away.

I gave my boy the white shirt I made, it's crazy, I can't really understand how I made it, it's all a blur, all I remember is enjoying topstitching the buttonstand and waking up early to hand sew the collar. Everything else? I think gnomes came in and did it for me. I lost my tracing wheel, I must buy another and trace my old corset pattern! It's time to get started on white satin Sanlam xx

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