Redecorating and recycling


Finally the second term has finished, now I have some time to relax and work for myself, I'm so excited to organize my stuff and take a little break. Today I renewed my Nylon subscription and got my last one in the mail, so I'm looking forward to devouring it later. I can't wait to get my croquis book back. Yesterday my boy and I redecorated my place, it was so fun, I love fresh starts and change. When I was younger I used to be obsessed with lava lamps, I even insisted it be my nickname (this obviously didn't pan out, thankfully) so it was pretty fitting to recycle an old, malfunctioning one by turning it into a vase.
I researched lava lamps, dumped the liquid, boiled some water to remove the wax and cleaned it thouroughly. Then I cut the electrical cord, took out the light bulb and put some cute flowers in it. I just love taking things and making them new, finding a purpose for old things, DIY and getting new ideas. Today I had to lay out a physical porfolio to be moderated. This is how it looks:

Overlocker bag from overlocking course. I can't help but see a cute happy face in this.Have a great weekend xx

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