A stay at Southern Sun The Cullinan Hotel - Safashiongirl

A stay at Southern Sun The Cullinan Hotel


When Leigh van den Berg of Lipgloss is my Life emails you, you answer because she's probably going to make your week a lot more exciting. I had been laying low for a while and taken a break from blogging when Leigh asked if I'd like to join her for a "spoilicious blogger sleepover" at Southern Sun The Cullinan. Um, hell yes! I was a longtime fan of Tsogo Sun spas but I hadn't yet had the opportunity to stay over at one of their hotels so I was in.

The Cullinan is situated in Cape Town's CBD, super close to the V&A Waterfront (as you can see above from the pic of the view from my room) which makes it a prime location for tourists and domestic vacationers alike. I arrived to be greeted by supremely helpful and friendly staff. The Guest Relations Manager, Hannes walked me to my beautiful, lush suite which is larger than most of my friends' apartments. My eyes may have done a cartoony bounce thing for a second. I do love hotels, I'm a city person so robes, Wi-Fi, room service and mini bars are my vibe. While the suites are mind-blowing and include butler service, every room features luxury amenities like day-to-day complimentary Wi-Fi, ensuite bathrooms with a separate bath and shower, digital safes, minibars and tea and coffee facilities.  

Back to my day at Southern Sun The Cullinan. After Hannes set my bags down, I took a treat from the table in my lounge which had been set up with fruits, wine and chocolates and then headed to another room that had been arranged as a spa for myself and my fellow blogger babes Leigh, Brigitte and Karisa. The fun begun with champagne, macarons and mani-pedis provided by the ladies from Mangwanani Boutique Spa. We enjoyed a lovely pampering session which left us reluctant to part with our comfy gowns. We then went down to the Star Bar and Terrace which is located next to the hotel's beautiful pool. We toasted our yummy cocktails, had a few laughs and enjoyed fresh seafood platters. Well, the girls enjoyed the seafood and I enjoyed the alcohol XD

We took a rest in our rooms before dinner at the Peach Tree buffet where the dinner staff brûlée your crème brûlée in front of you. That dessert was delicious. The evening didn't end there, we went back to the Star Bar and partied into the early hours of the morning before eventually ending up in Karisa's suite dancing like maniacs. I could easily live in one of the suites, in fact, my bed was such a dream that the girls had trouble getting me out of it the next morning. I could have easily slept the day away. 

Thank you to the girls and to the team at Southern Sun The Cullinan for a stay to remember. I highly recommend this hotel, do check it out if you're looking for a great place to stay in Cape Town.          

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