Time, she goes. - Safashiongirl

Time, she goes.


Hat & dress - Cotton On
 Stockings - Henry Holland
 Shoes - Zoom
Bag - The Lot

I just developed my latest disposable camera, this is a shot from the day of an interview I did with Fluffy Owl Films. I love the magic of getting film developed, I have a great little place down the road from me and I bought their last disposable camera in stock. It's sad how demand decreases and makes these kinds of things obsolete. Pick a camera up if you happen upon one, it's really exciting to get the photos back that you forgot about - that's what I love about all kinds of photography; life changes but photos remain permanently capturing a second of a moment. 

Time is flying by. One of the great things about fashion and being human is that we can always wake up and change our minds even though schedules and routines can make it difficult to enact those changes quickly. I wish weekends were equal to working days so that everyone could spend adequate time recharging and dreaming. Gotta go for now, speak soon. x

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