D.I.Y. Day: Deco Flasks
Recently I gave my girl Anina her birthday present which was sort of a lucky packet of things I thought she'd enjoy; temporary tattoos, nail polish and batteries for her camera to name a few. I also gave her a flask that matched one I had bought recently. I just love any kind of accessory and I wanted to customize one so I gathered my fashion school supplies, a bunch of superglue and we both got to it. The flasks are inspired by the Japanese art of deco den, they just glue cute little items onto everything from cell phone cases to nails. It was really fun even though we ended up with superglue fingers!
Deco Den D.I.Y. Tips:
- Squeeze out the glue little by little to avoid getting it on your hands.
- If there's something you're having trouble attaching, glue it to something else first. I had an old badge that I just pierced though some fabric and it worked like a charm.
- Search on Ebay or Etsy for cute supplies.
- Place glue on the object rather than the charms, I find it holds better.
- Don't plan too much, just get going!
- Fill up empty spaces with glitter and sequins.
- Go as crazy as you want, the sky is the limit,! It's supposed to be OTT.