Calm is the new black


I keep a whole bunch of candles by the bath and light them every night, I find them really beautiful and calming. Life's all about the little things. So the year has gotten off to a great start but I can't believe it's really 2012! I still keep saying "2011" and then everyone corrects me. I guess I'm not on the ball yet, haha. 2012 is the Year of the Dragon which is known to bring luck so that's great news, are you feeling lucky? I'm really interested in some Eastern beliefs even if others consider it to be nonsense. Logic can't exist without "nonsense", gotta have that yin and yang in life. I certainly don't have all the answers but maybe Confucius has a few!

Speaking of my kooky affinities, the other day I rushed into a holistic shop to buy a candle set for my mom's birthday and the store was literally closing its doors. The cashier was kind enough to let me in and right before I left he gave me a little Laughing Buddah keyring as a gift. I'm keeping it in my bag for lucky belly rubs.

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