Puma Sakina M’sa Bag Launch


I had so much fun at the last PUMA event and went a bit overboard with the camera! This brand has a really passionate team behind them I can't thank Christine and Bianca from Splash PR enough for keeping me in the loop with the latest happenings. I went to the PUMA Sakina M’sa launch at the Canal Walk store with my dear friend Natalie and sipped some champagne while checking out all the gear. I also worked up the guts to wear the bodysuit I'd made for my debut collection last year. I've been working on designs this year but I'm not rushing anything, just taking it very slow and enjoying the process that will one day evolve into a line that I hope other people will like. You guys will be the first to get your hands on freebies, if all goes to plan, hopefully we're talking this time next year!

I went to the FEDISA Graduate Show this past weekend and I can't wait to share my thoughts with you, speak soon fashion girls and guys x

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