What I wore to SA Fashion Week: Day 1
Blouse and skirt - YDE
Ring - Diva
Earrings - Tokyolux
Belt - Ardene (Canada)
Ring - Diva
Earrings - Tokyolux
Belt - Ardene (Canada)
It's taking so long to post all the photos from my SA Fashion Week adventure. Between catching up with friends, birthdays (everyone is a taurusssssss) and going out with the flu I got super sick with full blown bronchitis, sinusitis and laryngitis shortly after I got home so I eventually cleared my calendar and medicated myself with sleep and catching up on all the shows I PVRed. Joburg girls really bring the glam and sky high heels are mandatory. I had the coolest driver, Trevor, who escorted me to the shows and posed for some walking-into-the-building shots with the photographers...haha.
Here's what I wrote on the first night:
I'm crazy tired! On Thursday it took ages to pack so when I was finally finished, I got taken out for a goodbye drink date which turned into cheesy cover band cheering, which turned into more drinks, which turned into free drinks, which turned into a punk kiss-kiss-ki-ki-kissing me to Katy Perry's ET. Magic. Next thing I know it's 5am when I finally get to bed. I wake up and rush to the airport, feeling very fragile and to be honest, possibly still intoxicated? Finally get on the plane, land, luggage, Gautrain, taxi, hotel. By the time I had a shower, picked at some food and got into my robe, it was time to get ready for the first night of Fashion Week.
Got to Shine Studios, was given my media wristband and everyone was rushing because the first show was about to start. I decided to sit with the photographers and get some experience taking pictures. After every show, the VIP and media are told to hang out across the way, I checked out the media room that had computers set up for social networking and transferring images onto your flash. Outside, a girl and her friend were whispering and looking at me so I felt that uncomfortable feeling you get...but then she walked up to me with a smile, turns out she thought I was Taylor Momsen; sweet, I'll take it. I love the Lindt ladies who walk around with huge silver platters of chocolate, mmm just found one in my coat pocket! I'm so hungry I'm considering ordering room service for the second time today. It's 24/7, my kinda room service! To order or not to order...