Get The Look - Bumped & Bruised - Safashiongirl

Get The Look - Bumped & Bruised


I'm a sucker for theme dressing. I remember in November I was looking forward to getting wild this summer which ultimately proved to be too dangerously easy. I'm so clumsy so I end up getting into trouble one way or another. From waking up around noon next to cans of deodorant and brand new broken accessories to hitting up toy stores to buy lilos to laze around on.

I'm super pale so I will get a bruise from a Facebook poke and at this moment in time I'm covered in bruises and the weather is beautifully misty so it's perfect timing to grab a Mr. Bump cup of tea and catch up on some series with my friend Anina.

Make everything into a fashion statement, even your Mickey Mouse band aids. x

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