Cellphone Outfit Snaps and Fashion in Old Photographs - Safashiongirl

Cellphone Outfit Snaps and Fashion in Old Photographs


Black Heart crop top, mom's 80s belt, fleamarket skirt

I wore this when I became an aunt, note to self (for the hundredth time): Do not wear high heels to hospitals! They click and clack so badly, I once made the mistake of wearing high heels to ICU, really not good. I was looking though old photos of the family yesterday and my nephew looks like my brother when he was a baby so he's gonna be a heartbreaker when he grows up. I love old family photographs, can't believe my dad's style! He loved his stovepipes and my mom was a vision in her highwaisted jeans. When I told my dad I was going to write about him, he said "Good. The fashion world needs a wake up call"...he is of the opinion that white stovepipes and white shoes are the be all and end all of men's fashion.

I've been away from the blog because my grandmother recently suffered a heart attack. I'm so happy that she's doing well now. My valentines date took me to the hospital to go and be with her last week. It's been good to just have some family time. I've always been close with my grandparents on my mothers side, I barely knew my fathers parents though. My grandfather passed away before I was born. Is it wrong that I think he's pretty handsome? I wish I had known him, he was a Dutch merchant marine, how bad ass?

 My brother with my father in his go-to look.
Not your mama's mom jeans
80s Sheri workin the velvet
This photograph of my grandfather was taken in Rotterdam in the 1930s. Love this picture.
My grandparents 70s fashion at my parents wedding, lookin good g ma!

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