Iron Survivor - Safashiongirl

Iron Survivor


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True Story: I heard Survivor when I went to go buy cups for my couture gown. It's a sign guys! This beauty can't be used. I had to re-cut because there are watermarks on the fabric from my iron and it's not coming out. My gown has really been refusing to work. I can't find the right colour satin at any fabric stores and now I have to re-do my carrier and boning because otherwise there is no boob room! I need to seriously up my game with the iron, gotta get my 50s housewife on! I had my critique this week and I'm feeling motivated to make the collection the best it can be.

 I got invited to SA Fashion week in Joburg but alas it's smack in the middle of my deadlines for my collection so I have to pass this year. Really bummed but a girl has gotta do what a girl has gotta do.


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