Play me in the Winter, play me in the Summer
My Canadian friend came to visit during the World Cup, we swapped around with counrty visits this year. We managed to catch this amazing candyfloss sunset on the beachfront. One night we were out watching one of the semi-finals and you know how nights out can turn into extremely dressed-up fast food missions AKA glam burgers. The girls at McDonalds were talking to me about my black thigh high leather boots, asking me to give them a twirl so we ended up taking some photos, so fun. Please note that your french fries are made by the fashion conscious.
There was nothing like the World Cup vibe, everyone was so happy. Now Winter has kind of settled into that place where you can't wait for Summer. You're freezing and hate getting out of bed, you eat too many carbs and keep pretty inactive. I used to really love Winter for fire places, hot chocolate, duvets and DVDs but now I'm longing for hot nights and water gun fights.
Or cake fights circa 2007. What's your favorite Season?