I see a pattern - Safashiongirl

I see a pattern


Metric Pattern Cutting by Winifred Aldrich is an amazing book! Winnie, you give us such good instructions. But 70s people, I implore you, what is up with the high armholes? So anyway, I've been making pants patterns for PJ pants and high waisters, I'm quite happy to make them as our patterns fit me so I can actually wear all of it when I'm done. I might be labeling patterns this weekend but I'm going to a cabin for the long weekend and also getting a manicure and pedicure out there.

Upcoming work includes a T-shirt print design and a window display. So it's pretty fun work. If only I wasn't such a perfectionist about it!

Today I shot my magazine cover. I'm deciding on the possible shots but I took a break because there are so many pictures to sift through and I need to look at it with a fresh eye again. There's been thunder and lightning today, it was so lovely. I felt like I was in NYC when I was running in the rain in my heels and trench coat.

Till Monday xx

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