The future is here
4/22/2009It was Elsa Schiaparelli that said “In difficult times fashion is always outrageous" and she was right. From Manish Arora to Jeremy Scott, 2009's fashion is revolutionary and out of this world. Everyone seems to be thinking outside of the box and saying, "Recession? What recession?" with models throwing dollar bills as they walk and $6,295 limited edition Marie Antionette louboutins being released in clashing colours.
2009 brings with it futuristic trends. As the current #1 "Boom boom pow" on the Billboard hot 100 reveals, it isn't going away any time soon. With celebrities embracing it from Beyonce' to Gaga.
What I love about these outrageous trends is that they are anything but practical and functional. A cheeky slap in the face to our bank accounts. Irony at it's best. Fashion is telling us, "So you're a little low on dough? Forget making ends meet, you need to be fabulous! You need something outstanding and special, a style investment. Uplift your spirits. Indulge in superficiality. Be flamingos, eat up these fads and do it fast, these trends won't last past another season"
The fashion is bold and garish. If you're feeling unstable, get the structure you crave from Gareth Pugh sleeves. Surrender your spending money. The fashion revolution is here.