Something old, something new
3/29/2009I just finished the 1st term of 2nd year but I don't have a minute to myself yet, I'm off to get my hair done for my cousin's wedding. I'm a bridesmaid but no fashion fiascos await, she's let us buy our own LBDs. I went for a sweetheart flared dress that reminds me of the 50s. God the 50s clothing was so beautiful, sometimes I just want to make myself those bathing suits, curl my hair, string some pearls around my neck and slick on some bright red lipstick. Those broads had class.
I finally completed my ball gown but the Crystal Gala has been canceled due to the recession so now we'll have to find another show to put the dresses in. One way or another, they'll get the exposure they deserve. The 2nd years really did outdo themselves.
Even though I've been getting girlier over the years, a few boundries still remain, I went for my first facial on Wednesday. It was amazing, I couldn't stop touching my face, try as I might. It's turned out pretty good, I can't wait till next time.