SFG X YDE - Hide away - Safashiongirl

SFG X YDE - Hide away


Top- Blake at YDE
Skirt - Blake at YDE
Necklace - Ruby at YDE
Cuff - Lulu at YDE
Heels- Sexy With Attitude at YDE

Reminiscing about a few years ago when the world was at our door and the whole country was ecstatic. I just love those moments when you know that everyone else is experiencing something with you.

Heels erreday, no matter where we're going. It's silly but they make me feel like I can handle anything. Some days I feel shy and self-conscious, like I want to hide away for a little while. I never took myself for an introvert but I think everyone needs some alone time. I've got all these ideas swimming around in my head, decisions to make and obligations to fulfil. After a little recharge, I'll be ready to be up and at 'em. I think it's time for some Sunday downtime before a crazy new week begins. x

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