Funk My Fone Giveaway - Safashiongirl

Funk My Fone Giveaway


Even if you're not an accessories person, you gotta admit, we're all attached to our phones!
Funk my Fone is South Africa’s latest phone accessories brand, providing quality, durable, protective and stylish mobile-phone accessories and I've partnered up with them this week to offer this awesome iPhone 4 hamper to a lucky reader!
Fashion your mobile with one of these chic covers; help to keep radiation at bay with a vintage-inspired Retro Phone handset and shield your phone’s screen with the latest anti-fingerprint technology screen protectors. Even if you don't have an iPhone, this headset works with all smartphones. I like to use one for Skype calls on my laptop :)

You know the drill lovelies, to enter:

  • Comment with your name and email address here
  •  Drop me a tweet or leave a message on my Facebook wall with those details if that's more your style

The winner will be picked via a random number generator and announced on the 7th of August. Good luck!

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