Flowers in hell - Safashiongirl

Flowers in hell


 Rose sweater - Guard The Vintage
Skirt - YDE
Stockings - Asos
Unif Hellbound platforms - Solestruck

So, even though I'm addicted to online shopping, the truth is I'd never ordered any clothes from a local site. Such a travesty, and I dare to call myself SA Fashion Girl? Finally I went over to one of the many great South African retail sites popping up, Guard The Vintage. I clicked around and soon the lovely owner, Yusrah sent over this comfy vintage sweater. Love it!

So lately I've been running errands, going to appointments, responding to mails and hanging out with my family. Confession time: I only got my driver's license this year, long story involving several expired learner's'. So I just got my first car, woo! I don't know how I managed this long, I would just take taxis and get rides everywhere. Unfortunately I barely have any safe shoes to drive in...can you imagine putting the pedal to the metal in these hellbounds? My shoe collection is out of control but I better buy some decent flats :O

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