Basics Fashion Management: Concept To Customer - Safashiongirl

Basics Fashion Management: Concept To Customer


I've been devouring books lately. Recently I read one of the books belonging to the Avabooks Basics series; Fashion Management 01: Concept to Customer by Virginia Grose. It explores the intricate process of design from imagining all the way to established brand. It specifically examines key steps like concept, product development, retail strategy, the supply chain and branding. After reading and returning to it, I think this should be a textbook given to every fashion student.

Concept To Customer uses modern case studies and includes interviews from fashion gurus to establish a thorough understanding of each phase of development. I've been planning a commercial line for a while now and this book gave me amazing insight. Even when you eat, sleep and breathe fashion, there's always new information to consider and so many spheres within, not to mention the knowledge you might have forgotten! This book serves as a great resource for any fashion employee in the different departments as it aptly demonstrates what a well-oiled symbiotic machine the industry is. It's always wise to be aware of how one's own position fits into the ecosystem of one's chosen ambitions. There's always room to adapt to a new role, fashion will never be obsolete as it continually evolves and remains a fast-growing industry. 

I enjoyed the examples in Concept to Customer because everything is helpful and easy to follow, no verbosity in sight. I especially responded to the case studies examined in every section, they drive home and expand on the information gathered in the chapter by matching it to a relevant company; the focus on Topshop was my favorite. I can speak for myself and say this book will be an important reference guide in my ongoing journey though fashion. The bottom line is, Concept To Customer is a fast read that contains a goldmine of information for a novice and holds important considerations for the professional. I would love to check out the other books within Avabooks Basics series, especially the Fashion Design one! Check out their website http://www.avabooks.com/ to see their other specialist books.

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