Back lace



This is another item I got from The Lot, that place is so bad for my credit card. Wow it's December already! I must say I'm really happy it's here, time for summer fun and a new year for sure. This weekend the weather is going to be beautiful so I'm heading over to my friend Nicole's for a pool party, aah swimming in December. I picked up a new floppy hat because my last one sort of died in the water. I'm really looking forward to relaxing for a day or two, I had a busy week and next week is the Guess Fashion Show, Elle Fresh Face Awards and Puma All Hands On Deck Party, whew!

Elle Bulgaria recently sent me a copy of their April issue that featured the shoe interviews with girls all around the world, South Africa represent! I'm going to scan it in when I get a minute, it's all in Bulgarian but I have a copy of the English questions I answered. When I composed an email to them I used Google Translate and went back and forth with the English and Bulgarian texts to make sure I had everything right and then the woman nonchalantly responded in English, hahaha was so funny. Have a great weekend everyone!

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