DIY: Cut up and stud - Safashiongirl

DIY: Cut up and stud


My beautiful cousin is going to Thailand this Summer, how exciting? We like to chat on Facebook while she's at work and she informed me that she needed to get hold of some kick ass denim shorts for her holiday wardrobe so I showed her a couple images from Tumblr to get some ideas and we organised a little DIY day. I got all of my leftover fashion school supplies together and told her to bring some old jeans to cut up and we got to it. I can never throw things out because I always want to re-purpose them so I'm stoked that my studs have found a new home on her caboose! It was so much fun and I can't wait to DIY again; hide your glue guns. 

DIY tips for jeans into shorts
  • Cut the pant legs off diagonally, not straight, starting from the inside leg
  • Flip the side you've cut on top of the one you haven't to get your cutting even
  • Start out with a longer-than-desired length, you might like the bottoms turned up or you can fray the extra fabric
  • Ebay is great for craft supplies
  • If you're studding, you might need to sew some felt onto the inside to prevent scratching

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