What I wore to SA Fashion Week: Day 3 - Safashiongirl

What I wore to SA Fashion Week: Day 3


Dress - Patricia Field (NY)
Belt - Mom's
Ring - Diva (I have an addiction, I need an intervention)
Shoes - Zoom

These pics are bad, my energy was gone and my bed was looking too comfortable but the tacky Pat Field dress makes me happy and I wanted to share it with you. On day 3, I got interviewed right after the Clive Rundle show. I find video cameras a little intimidating, I've been interviewed before but this time I just had to stand there alone so I had no idea where to look. They put my mic on in front of two looming cameras and told me to focus on someone between the cameras while I was speaking so it looks like I'm talking directly to someone offscreen (Oh I C what U did ther). I answered some questions about where I see SA fashion going, if I was enjoying the shows, if I had advice for models etc.

Some LISOF students and SAFW photographers were taking my picture, it's strange being in photos and then you have no idea where they go, never even see em...then maybe one day you get a random link to a photograph where you look mentally unstable while the rest are lost to circulate in the abyss and you just become another anonymous blonde girl with way too much eyeliner.

Fashion week ended with rain and a McDonalds run. I said goodbye to Trevor over a cheeseburger and went back to my hotel to catch up with my great friend Stacy and her boyfriend before leaving for a little break at Sun City. I really enjoyed my time in Joburg, I was born there but I've never really gone back too much. I can't wait to show you guys pics of the wild hotel I stayed in.

I hope your weekend is lovely everyone! I'm going to be celebrating my birthday with some friends.

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