Vintage Lifestyle Magazine Launch - Safashiongirl

Vintage Lifestyle Magazine Launch


 With the editor Nicole Warr

 Shukur from Instant Grass and rapper Jimmy Flexx from Ill-Literate-Skill
Hanging with Jasna
 Nat looking cute while sipping on the cocktail everyone loved

These are just some photos from the Vintage Lifestyle Magazine launch, you can check out more at facebook.com/safashiongirl. I met some great new people and enjoyed Nicole and Jasna's company as always. The catering and drinks were amazing so I'd like to extend my many thanks to Nicole Warr and Starlings Coffee for a lovely and charming event. Also thank you Natalie for coming with me and getting snap-happy. Note to self: next event less hands on hippage, jeez girl..

Lately I've been busy with Christmas shopping, becoming an aunt to a baby boy named Jackson, seeing friends and I went to the Vanilla Ice, Turbo B and MC Hammer concert. It was kind of magical, they played the Thong Song before the show so by the time Rhythm Is A Dancer was being performed I was serious as cancer enjoying myself.  
Happy holidays everyone!

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