Graduation - Safashiongirl



I started Musings Of A Fashion Student in 2008, my first year of fashion school, as a way to motivate myself and reflect on the journey through the land of pattern cutting, sewing, design, history and all things fashion (including quoting movies like Mean Girls with classmates and singing 90s tunes). I think life is all about learning and that you forever remain a student. It's all about growing, improving and trying to apply all the lessons you learn. A month ago I graduated from fashion school and now I feel so content. Before I went to FEDISA I never even knew how to use a sewing machine...challenging yourself shows you like nothing else can, that you really can do whatever you put your mind to. You can do whatever you dream of doing whether you're a natural at it or not. I used to be the slowest seamstress but if you work at it, you just get better and faster. I already miss sewing!

So, I think I'll always be a fashion student because there's always something new to learn in this ever-evolving industry, however, since a new year is coming up, I think it's time for a fresh start. I'm officially changing my blog's name to SA Fashion Girl, doing a little makeover on it and have already bought safashiongirl.com with the capital I've generated from the blog this year (also I bought huge cross earrings as a treat) :D 

Here's to an amazing new year, I hope 2011 brings you new beginnings, lots of laughter and amazing memories! Thank you for joining me on this journey, I hope you'll enjoy the upcoming chapters. I can't wait to do some blog giveaways this year...everyone who reads my little ramblings, I appreciate you so so much. You made this experience even richer for me :) Much love and Happy New Year!

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