Style Society Pop Up Boutique


On Saturday I went to the Style Society Pop Up Boutique. I've always loved the concept of pop up shops. I feel like there's something a little 60s about them, a bunch of different items in a traveling store is kind of like an art installation in itself. When designers and creators mingle with the public, there's a little bit of magic going on.

Why thank you Justin

Girls from Black Heart Designs
 The new Mini Countryman
 Some of the guests
More fashionable gals
Goodie bag
This event was held at the trendy Fire & Ice Hotel and was perfect timing what with Christmas around the corner. You could do a good chunk of your gift shopping in an intimate venue, picking up anything from shoes to face masks. I loved that you could also talk one on one with the designers who offered discounts on their items. There were award winning Wella hairdressers on call for the guests' tresses and Elizabeth Arden make up artists offering complimentary makeovers. What more could a girl want? A little free wine and the deal was sealed. 
Mini Cooper showed off the not so mini 2011 Contryman that has yet to be released in SA. I bought some intensive hydrating hair products from Sebastian Professional which I need to unleash on my bleached locks and I fell in love with a new clothing label called Black Heart that started a mere 6 months ago, I couldn't help myself so I picked up some pieces from them. 

I'm looking forward to the next Style Society Pop Up Boutique, I hope to see it grow more and more each season. Many thanks to Kumari who organised the event. I'll keep you guys posted and let you know when the next one is so you can get your shopping on!

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