My Little Pony Hair - Safashiongirl

My Little Pony Hair


So right now I'm in the final stretch of college, there's just a couple more weeks to finish everything off. Stress is good though, le great motivator. Can we just take a moment to talk about Lady Gaga's hair? I want it. I have been using way too much toner and getting this lilac effect for a while and I love it, think it's time to turn it up a notch. Overly-toned hair is so convenient because as soon as the purple fades, it turns white so you get two shades in one, voila!


This is how it fades, gets nice and bright! If you're a blonde and want to try this out, just ask your hairdresser for some purple shampoo, the purple cancels out the yellow and removes the warmth. Leave it on long for a temporary lilac colour, it works best on bleached hair. 

What do you think of pastel hair?

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