Factory girl - Safashiongirl

Factory girl


Whew, I thought I'd have some more time to blog these holidays but I've been busy with my internship. I'm working at a clothing manufacturer and it's a great experience. It's so rewarding to see the clothing develop out of everyone's different specialties. I made a pattern for them after being shown a photo of a draped dress then I cut out the fabric and I saw the first sample today. The people I work for are really giving me great exposure to everything. I enjoy talking to the seamstress and collaborating on what the finished product will be. I altered the pattern and should see the second sample tomorrow. The internship is really showing me how to apply my knowledge in a  practical, business sense. I honestly never thought I would enjoy it so much, I was envisioning having to make coffee and doing grunt work somewhere and I'm so happy to rather be in the thick of making clothes so I can really learn. There's just something enchanting and humble about the work. I've always really respected manual fields because they're such useful old world professions and the people (who make and do amazing things with their hands) are so modest when really, they're very talented.

While I've been away from my blog, I've been using Tumblr as a quick and easy way to keep the inspiration going; its feed is linked at the top of the blog as the Inspiration Archive. I enjoyed making the June playlist so I'm lining up another one for July. I downloaded a Mandarin Chinese learning application on my phone so I've been listening to the first few lessons. It's so interesting how different languages work; in Chinese something is turned into a question with the use of a syllable. Ni hao (phonetically spelled as I've only heard the words) which literally translates to "You good" would be akin to "Hello" but Ni hao ma? would ask how the person is: "You good?"  I watched Factory Girl for the 1st time, the clothes and make up are amazing, I want all of those coats! It wasn't as formulaic as all the movies I'm seeing lately, things are getting a bit predictable. So on Saturday I did Edie-inspired make up, including faux beauty spot and hit the town. I'm feeling so much more content and even though it's not exactly a holiday...

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