Happy Mother's Day
5/09/2010My mother is so beautiful and glamourous but she's so modest about her life. She studied Drama at Wits University. She played the nurse on stage in Romeo and Juliet and had barely any lines but the critics praised her in the review. She sang on Pop Shop in 1976, a sort of Top of the Pops tv show for South Africa. She even made the newspaper for just hanging out on Clifton. She was gearing up to launch a fashion line in the 80s but the factory didn't get the clothes done in time for the big order. I'll finish what you started momma. Thank you for everything. x
Graduating from Wits
This is what made the news in the 70s. They credited her with the wrong name, I wonder where Claudia le Grange is now.
Being a hottie in Hawaii
Mom's 80s fashion line. She and my aunt totally did the Flintstones thing before Jeremy Scott.
Mom holding me in the California sun